Wednesday, September 7, 2011

1st Day of Preschool

Yesterday afternoon I sent Brad the following text, "I've been thinking about it this afternoon and maybe we should wait until Ellie turns 3 before sending her to preschool...I'm having a hard time. I don't think I'm ready to let her go."  Of course I would be feeling this way, after all, for the past two and a half years we have spent most of our waking hours together.  She's my little buddy, my shadow, my sweet girl, and I want to spend as much time with her as she will let me. 

Now, don't get me wrong, Ellie is our extrovert, she loves being around people, she LOVES to talk, and she adapts pretty well to most new environments.  She is going to love school, the kids, the activity, the fun.  And she is going to learn so much.  Also, this will give Lucy and I some much needed one on one time together a few mornings a week, which I am really looking forward to!

So this morning as we pulled into the parking lot a few tears did start to flow, but I sucked it up and into class she went, excited to show off her new book bag and to meet her new friends. She was just there for an hour today, just to meet her teachers and get acclimated to the classroom.  When we left she said "That was fun, Mom."  On Friday she will go all morning for the first time and you better believe that I will be the first one in the carpool line for pick-up, ready to hear all about the fun she had. 

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